Game Design

Game Design is a very complex and every changing process. Everyday new methods & workflows are finding it’s ways into the industry and that’s why it’s so important to keep yourself up to date and we’re going to answer all your questions in our weekly blog like:

  • What exactly is game design?
  • Which are the most important aspects?
  • What skills do I need to be able to develop my own game?
  • ….

No matter if a game is being released on PC, XBox, the NintendoSwitch etc. all of them had to be designed by someone. It takes a lot more than just a good idea to create a unique & stunning game. We’ll show you how.

  • Pay To Win: The Danger Behind Free To Play Games

    Pay To Win: The Danger Behind Free To Play Games

    With the mobile gaming market growing in popularity, the number of Free2Play games are also increasing simultaneously. From games like Candy Crush & Genshin Impact to Roblox & Monopoly Go!… There are a plethora of games for us to discover and play without spending even a single dollar on it. But that’s not always the… Read More…

  • Designing Animals & Creatures – Know How To Differentiate Them

    Designing Animals & Creatures – Know How To Differentiate Them

    In design, it is very important to learn about your subjects.  You need to know how they are built, where they come from and what makes them what they are. The same goes for animals. Knowing their skeletons & muscle structure, where their natural habitat is and their usual diet really helps you to design… Read More…

  • Roguelike VS Roguelite – How To Tell The Difference

    Roguelike VS Roguelite – How To Tell The Difference

    I bet some of you had to read the title twice because the difference in the name between a roguelike and a roguelite is just a single letter… This also pretty much shows how different they are from each other. They are almost the same but… Not quite which is why people tend to confuse… Read More…

  • AI As A Tool: How To Speed Up Your Process As A Concept Artist Using AI

    AI As A Tool: How To Speed Up Your Process As A Concept Artist Using AI

    AI has risen through the ranks over the last years and while there are many contradictions around AI art and the ethical dilemma behind it… We artists need to come to terms with the fact that it’s going to stay around in one way or another. So, instead of avoiding it we should embrace it… Read More…

  • Learning From Mistakes: Why Designing Bad Games Is Important

    Learning From Mistakes: Why Designing Bad Games Is Important

    Every game designer and game developer has a vision, a game they dreamed about ever since they were a kid. But every time they want to start making it… The fear of ruining the perfect game they had in mind is stopping them from even starting it. Now let me tell you a secret… The… Read More…

  • Level Up Your Plate: Video Game Design Is Like Cooking

    Level Up Your Plate: Video Game Design Is Like Cooking

    This might sound funny to a lot of you but people who enjoy cooking as much as I do probably can relate. Game Design is like cooking. Why would I say such a thing? How did I get to that conclusion? Because someone rather unexpectedly asked me to explain game design to them. Usually it’s… Read More…

  • Don’t Just See It, Feel It: Why Sound Design Is So Important For Video Games

    Don’t Just See It, Feel It: Why Sound Design Is So Important For Video Games

    Have you ever tried to play your favorite game completely without any sound? If so, you’ve probably noticed that it changes the feeling of the game quite a bit. After all, what would ‘The Legend Of Zelda’ be without the famous chest opening sound? Either way, more often than not, sound design is easily overlooked… Read More…

  • Characters & Creatures: How To Tell The Difference

    Characters & Creatures: How To Tell The Difference

    It might sound kind of obvious that characters and creatures are different from each other but sometimes… It’s not that easy to tell. Back in university my colleagues and I had a rather interesting discussion once. When are you able to call something a character or a creature? Your surprise, some of us had rather… Read More…

  • Navigating The Crossroads: How To Design A Point Of No Return

    Navigating The Crossroads: How To Design A Point Of No Return

    More often than not while playing a game we’re going to hit a so-called ‘Point of No Return’ (PNR). Most of the time this PNR marks a spot where the player gets cut off certain areas or contents. Sometimes you can revisit those places after a while, sometimes it’s impossible. Either you have to go… Read More…

  • Quest 101: How To Make Quests For Video Games Fun

    Quest 101: How To Make Quests For Video Games Fun

    I think almost everyone knows how it feels if quests suddenly turn into chores. Go there, get this, do that, repeat. It’s a recurring problem where games seem to just copy-paste their quests in order to fill the world instead of creating captivating quests for their players. Of course they give them a new and… Read More…