Indie Game

Indie games, contrary to AAA titles, are typically developed by smaller teams or individuals without the backing of major game publishers. They are known for their innovative gameplay, creative narratives, and unconventional aesthetics. The freedom from external influences allows indie developers to explore new concept and styles. This leads to a diverse and vibrant gaming landscape.


Despite limited resources, indie games often push the boundaries of what is possible. They experiment with different genres, mechanics, and storytelling techniques, providing unique and engaging experiences. This creative spirit has earned indie games a loyal following and critical acclaim. They often even surpass their AAA counterparts in terms of innovation and captivation.

  • Pay To Win: The Danger Behind Free To Play Games

    Pay To Win: The Danger Behind Free To Play Games

    With the mobile gaming market growing in popularity, the number of Free2Play games are also increasing simultaneously. From games like Candy Crush & Genshin Impact to Roblox & Monopoly Go!… There are a plethora of games for us to discover and play without spending even a single dollar on it. But that’s not always the… Read More…

  • The Fear Of AI In The Game Industry: Is The Anxiety Justified?

    The Fear Of AI In The Game Industry: Is The Anxiety Justified?

    With AI rapidly improving every day, the constant fear of it only gets greater with every passing minute. People have already lost their jobs on multiple occasions because of AI and it seems the panic only grows the more the algorithms get developed. While there has been a lot of restructuring and changes around various… Read More…

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    The Pre-Order Dilemma: Are The Bonuses Really Worth It?

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    From Chaos To Creation: Know Random VS Procedural Generation

    Many games generate their levels and environments randomly to enhance the replay value and make the gameplay more unique for every person. Quest, characters, treasures, items… Nothing ever stays at the same place. Random generation and procedural generation seem to be often used interchangeably but they are in fact not one and the same even… Read More…

  • Designing Animals & Creatures – Know How To Differentiate Them

    Designing Animals & Creatures – Know How To Differentiate Them

    In design, it is very important to learn about your subjects.  You need to know how they are built, where they come from and what makes them what they are. The same goes for animals. Knowing their skeletons & muscle structure, where their natural habitat is and their usual diet really helps you to design… Read More…

  • Xbox VS PlayStation: A Professional Head-to-Head Comparison For Devs

    Xbox VS PlayStation: A Professional Head-to-Head Comparison For Devs

    There are a lot of things to consider when you decide to finally release your game to the public. One of the biggest decisions you have to make is on which platform you want to publish it. Computer, mobile or… On a console. Of course, there is always the option of releasing it on more… Read More…

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    Mastering Art for Profit: Transforming Creativity Into A Thriving Business

    Written by Iris Mullins (Guest Author) Embracing the digital revolution, artists worldwide are finding that their passion for digital art can indeed become a lucrative career and transforming creativity into a thriving business. The journey from hobbyist to professional artist is paved with strategic decisions, from defining your unique style to effectively marketing your creations.… Read More…

  • Free To Play, Pay To Win: Why Games Use Microtransactions

    Free To Play, Pay To Win: Why Games Use Microtransactions

    As a gamer, the word ‘microtransaction’ always leaves behind a bitter taste. What once was a way to make a game more interesting for casual players has turned into a multi-billion cash-grab for the companies behind it. But why do games even use microtransactions in the first place? And how are they so successful even… Read More…

  • Collector Edition Or Base Game: Why Can’t They Just Make One?

    Collector Edition Or Base Game: Why Can’t They Just Make One?

    Deluxe Version, Collector Edition or Base Game… So many studios, especially in the Triple-A sector, are offering different kinds of editions for their games. The prices, content and value can vary a lot between them. But why do they even exist in the first place? The game would surely sell without all the pretty shiny… Read More…

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    Roguelike VS Roguelite – How To Tell The Difference

    I bet some of you had to read the title twice because the difference in the name between a roguelike and a roguelite is just a single letter… This also pretty much shows how different they are from each other. They are almost the same but… Not quite which is why people tend to confuse… Read More…