Indie Game

Indie games, contrary to AAA titles, are typically developed by smaller teams or individuals without the backing of major game publishers. They are known for their innovative gameplay, creative narratives, and unconventional aesthetics. The freedom from external influences allows indie developers to explore new concept and styles. This leads to a diverse and vibrant gaming landscape.


Despite limited resources, indie games often push the boundaries of what is possible. They experiment with different genres, mechanics, and storytelling techniques, providing unique and engaging experiences. This creative spirit has earned indie games a loyal following and critical acclaim. They often even surpass their AAA counterparts in terms of innovation and captivation.

  • Eastern VS Western Games – Two Worlds Colliding

    Eastern VS Western Games – Two Worlds Colliding

    Ever since the first video game consoles have came out, the Eastern & Western markets have been fighting for dominance in the game industry. Be it via their systems or their video games in general. Over the years they both have developed their own styles and characteristics. Each of them becomes quite unique to their… Read More…

  • Level of Detail – Optimize Rendering Without Quality Loss

    Level of Detail – Optimize Rendering Without Quality Loss

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  • When Stories Come To Life – How To Write A Video Game Script

    When Stories Come To Life – How To Write A Video Game Script

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  • Jump, Bounce, Win – Create The Perfect Platformer

    Jump, Bounce, Win – Create The Perfect Platformer

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  • Understand Game Balancing: The Ying & Yang of Game Development

    Understand Game Balancing: The Ying & Yang of Game Development

    An unfair game, is never a fun game to play. No matter if it’s an RPG, a CCG or any form of competitive PvP. If you get the feeling that no matter how hard you try, you always struggle, then you’re going to put away the controller sooner or later. This is the reason why… Read More…

  • A Lore Unlocked: The Secret of Storytelling in Video Games

    A Lore Unlocked: The Secret of Storytelling in Video Games

    Stories are an art form that have been around for centuries. From the early stages of ancient theater to the modern movies & video games. Storytelling is an essential part of our daily life, culture, the experiences we make and the things we learn. The stories we have to tell and the memories we share… Read More…

  • From Concept to Console: The Power of Game Design Documents

    From Concept to Console: The Power of Game Design Documents

    Game development is a very complex and multifaceted process that involves numerous people working together to craft an interactive and immersive product. At the heart of this creative process lies a crucial piece that serves as the blueprint for the entire game: the Game Design Document (GDD). In this blog post, we’ll delve deep into… Read More…

  • Game Development Essentials: Tools You Need To Start Creating Your Own Game

    Game Development Essentials: Tools You Need To Start Creating Your Own Game

    Nowadays Indie Games are flooding the markets and it’s no secret that it’s possible to craft your own game from scratch. Everyone can do it as long as they have a computer and an idea in their head. We’re going to show you what kind of tools and skills you need to start creating your… Read More…

  • What is a Game Sound Designer?

    What is a Game Sound Designer?

    When we think about games, the first thing that comes to our mind are their visuals, story or game play. But what is a good game without good music? Without the sound of footsteps or a car without it’s roaring engine? This is where sound design comes in. We are going to show you what… Read More…

  • What is a Game VFX Artist?

    What is a Game VFX Artist?

    Just like in movies, games rely heavily on visual effects these days. It requires a lot of work & talent to implement such complicated elements into a game and to enhance the experience without crossing the technical limitations. We are going to show you what exactly a Game VFX Artist does and which skills you… Read More…