
In this blogs we dive into the heart of quests and how to create them. Here, you’ll find everything from the main story missions that drive the narrative to the optional side quests that offer additional rewards and exploration.

Whether you’re slaying a mighty dragon or fetching a lost item for a quirky villager, they provide the framework for your in-game adventures. They test your skills, introduce you to new characters and lore, and often grant valuable rewards like experience points, new equipment, or special abilities. But creating them is not as simply as one might think.

So, if you’re looking for a guide on how to write your own quests, discuss on how to improve your main story, or simply enjoy the process of creating your game, you’re in the right place!

  • The Pre-Order Dilemma: Are The Bonuses Really Worth It?

    The Pre-Order Dilemma: Are The Bonuses Really Worth It?

    Nowadays a lot of games, especially the big AAA titles, let you pre-order their game and promise you goodies on top of it. Skins, additional quests, special items or maybe even some sort of physical goodie. While pre-ordering makes sure you get your physical copy in time, more often than not it feels redundant in… Read More…

  • From Chaos To Creation: Know Random VS Procedural Generation

    From Chaos To Creation: Know Random VS Procedural Generation

    Many games generate their levels and environments randomly to enhance the replay value and make the gameplay more unique for every person. Quest, characters, treasures, items… Nothing ever stays at the same place. Random generation and procedural generation seem to be often used interchangeably but they are in fact not one and the same even… Read More…

  • AAAA VS. AAA: What Makes The Next Level Of Gaming?

    AAAA VS. AAA: What Makes The Next Level Of Gaming?

    AAA (or triple-A) games are very popular nowadays. So every gamer worth their salt knows what we are talking about when this term comes up. Those are the top-tier blockbuster games: Assassin’s Creed, God Of War, Call of Duty or Horizon: Zero Dawn. You named it. They all have millions & millions of dollars as… Read More…

  • Algorithm Magic: Procedural Generation In Video Games

    Algorithm Magic: Procedural Generation In Video Games

    A lot of games nowadays rely on procedural generation. Be it landscapes, whole levels, items, sounds and more. But why is procedural generation in video games so popular and how exactly does it work? A lot of technical know-how is needed to make your own procedural levels. But there are many methods & tools to… Read More…

  • Level Up Your Plate: Video Game Design Is Like Cooking

    Level Up Your Plate: Video Game Design Is Like Cooking

    This might sound funny to a lot of you but people who enjoy cooking as much as I do probably can relate. Game Design is like cooking. Why would I say such a thing? How did I get to that conclusion? Because someone rather unexpectedly asked me to explain game design to them. Usually it’s… Read More…

  • Navigating The Crossroads: How To Design A Point Of No Return

    Navigating The Crossroads: How To Design A Point Of No Return

    More often than not while playing a game we’re going to hit a so-called ‘Point of No Return’ (PNR). Most of the time this PNR marks a spot where the player gets cut off certain areas or contents. Sometimes you can revisit those places after a while, sometimes it’s impossible. Either you have to go… Read More…

  • Pals VS Pokemon: Is Palworld Really A Rip-Off?

    Pals VS Pokemon: Is Palworld Really A Rip-Off?

    Palworld has sold 7 million copies in just 5 days and skyrocketed in the Steam charts. Some people even expect it to beat PUBGs record of 3.2 million concurrent players if it continues to rise in popularity like this. But there is also a huge controversy emerging around Palworld copying the famous Pokemon series. The… Read More…

  • Quest 101: How To Make Quests For Video Games Fun

    Quest 101: How To Make Quests For Video Games Fun

    I think almost everyone knows how it feels if quests suddenly turn into chores. Go there, get this, do that, repeat. It’s a recurring problem where games seem to just copy-paste their quests in order to fill the world instead of creating captivating quests for their players. Of course they give them a new and… Read More…

  • Immersive Learning: How To Design The Perfect Tutorial

    Immersive Learning: How To Design The Perfect Tutorial

    The tutorial is one of the most important parts of any game. It serves as an introduction to the game’s world, and teaches the gameplay, mechanics, rules, and objectives. Besides that, a tutorial often serves as the first impression of a game. This can determine if the player wants to continue playing or if he… Read More…

  • Mission Accomplished: Important Types Of Quests In Games

    Mission Accomplished: Important Types Of Quests In Games

    Every game has a goal and you achieve a lot of them through various quests. As a game designer, it’s important to know the differences. After all, it’s your job to balance them and to fill the world with valuable content. Every quest has its own purpose and should be treated as such. We’re going… Read More…