World Building

World building is your gateway to forging epic gaming landscapes. Here, sprawling battlefields whisper tales of forgotten conflicts, and bustling cities brim with quests waiting to be unearthed. Explore the intricate details that fuel immersive video games. From the treacherous peaks of procedurally generated mountains to the hidden lore etched into crumbling tablets within ancient dungeons.

No matter if you’re a veteran sculptor of digital realities or a budding game designer eager to craft your first world. Share concept sketches for unique alien creatures, brainstorm captivating in-game economies, and delve into the factions that vie for power within your creation.

World building for games isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s the bedrock upon which compelling stories unfold, characters leave their mark, and entire universes pulsate with interactive potential. Let your imagination go wild and design the landscapes where players will forge their legends, quest by epic quest.

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    Designing Animals & Creatures – Know How To Differentiate Them

    In design, it is very important to learn about your subjects.  You need to know how they are built, where they come from and what makes them what they are. The same goes for animals. Knowing their skeletons & muscle structure, where their natural habitat is and their usual diet really helps you to design… Read More…

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  • Quest 101: How To Make Quests For Video Games Fun

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    Immersive Learning: How To Design The Perfect Tutorial

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  • Between Goals & Rewards: How To Write Quests For Games

    Between Goals & Rewards: How To Write Quests For Games

    Quests. Quests are what drive us through a game. They are everywhere. Hardly any game, especially story-heavy ones like RPGs, can live without them. They can have all kinds of different functions. From simply progressing through the main story to gifting the player valuable items that would make his life easier… They can even have… Read More…

  • When Stories Come To Life – How To Write A Video Game Script

    When Stories Come To Life – How To Write A Video Game Script

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