What is a Game Developer?

What is a Game Developer?

Having a great interest in video games and programming often makes people want to get a job as a Developer in one of the big companies out there. But what exactly is a Game Developer and what does he do on a day to day basis? We’re going to answer your questions and show you what it takes to break into the Gaming Industry.

What is Game Development?

Game Development is the process of creating games and describes the design, development and release of the game. It involves everything from art to programming to modeling and writing. Game Development is a complex workflow that can either be done by a large team of hundreds of people or even by a single person. Of course the scope of the game would vary greatly between a solo developer and a huge company but both can create a very successful l game if they put a lot of time and effort into it.

What does a Game Developer do?

While most people think that Game Developers are strictly bound to programming and coding, they are also involved in a lot of other processes and work closely together with the other departments:

  • Create the Code & Scripts for the Program
  • Partake in the Designing & Writing Process
  • Protype, iterate & polish the Game
  • Port the Game to other Systems
  • Monitor & test your Game
  • Solve bugs & Problems

Depending on the size of the company you want to work with, your area of responsibility can vary greatly. In bigger companies you most likely have a more specialized role and work only on a specific part of the game while in small studios you may be involved in multiple processes throughout the development phase.

What kind of skills do I need as a Game Developer?

Besides an interest in computer and games, a great Game Developer has to bring a lot more with him to become successful in the ever changing world of the Game Industry:

  • Programming/Coding
  • Math & Physics
  • Game & Level Design
  • Communication
  • Documentation

The usual workday of a Game Developer isn’t restricted to just ones and zeros but they also need to have a very creative and open mind. It’s important to be a team player and to know what it is other departments want from you.

Often people will come to you with different visions and ideas but are not quite sure how to implement them into the game. So before putting a lot of work and effort into diving head first into programming, make sure to figure out what the other person is really looking for so you wont waste your time with trial and error.

How do I get a job as a Game Developer?

Consider getting a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or any related field. While not all companies require a degree, many do while others might be satisfied with you being self taught.

Never the less you should create a top notch portfolio showing of your skill to your future employer:

  • Include Games & other Projects you’ve worked on
  • Put in your best work & polish it as much as you can
  • Build your Portfolio around the company you’re applying to
  • Annotate your Projects to give context to your work
  • Make sure everything works without a problem

No matter if you worked on those projects alone or with a team, make sure to leave a note to let them know, which parts you’ve worked on and which not. It helps to clarify what you’re capable of while also saving the recruiter time and effort to figure things out on their own.

What kind of programs should a Game Developer look into?

A Game Developer should know a wide variety of programs to make sure he can work on all parts of the game development progress:

  • IDE Software (Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA,…)
  • Game Engines (Unity, Unreal,…)
  • 3D DCC Tools ( Autodesk Maya, ZBrush,…)
  • 2D DCC Tools (Photoshop, Illustrator,…)
  • Project Management Software (Trello, Nuclino,…)
  • Writing Software (Scrivener, Evernote,…)

While those are some of the most used tools in the industry, you probably have to develop your own tools or engines for the game you’re working on.

How much money does a Game Developer make?

Those numbers can vary greatly depending on the company, genre, style, experience, skills etc. but according to Glassdoor a Game Developer makes between $49k – $126k and the average income is around $78k per year.

If you want to develop your own game, check out our guide on how to create your first video game from scratch:

Game Dev 101: A Detailed Guide On How To Make A Game 2024

4 responses to “What is a Game Developer?”

  1. Kai Mun Avatar

    Being the one to turn an idea into life is likely a gratifying job. You get to help artists, and writers come together to complete a project and watch the world fall in love with it. I know this doesn’t always happen but there is still so much love and passion that goes into creating a game regardless.

    1. Twin Fox Studio Avatar

      Definitely! I personally have the highest respect for one man developers who build a game all on their own like Concerned Ape or Scott Cawthon. They managed to create a huge fan base because they followed their dream of becoming a game developer.

  2. Frank A Avatar

    It’s interesting to see that one job can have so many different areas of application. It seems as if without proper communication skills this job is pretty much impossible.

    1. Twin Fox Studio Avatar

      Programming is the most essential thing as a game developer but a lot of my colleagues always complained about artist and designers not telling them exactly what they want causing them to do a lot of things twice. As an designer myself I try to be as clear as possible but I always appreciate if the devs and programmers ask questions or tell me more about the process for better communication.

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